Old man and the sea: Generally we can see that
young man as a main character in the novel and drama while in this novel there
is one change. Old man is the main hero or character in this novel. And there
are some other character like Manolin and Marlie. This novel is like struggle
of old man. He struggle throughout eighty four days. He not gets single fish
and yet he will try every day (continuously eighty four days). He struggle with fish and before he kill that
fish he speak one dialogue as under,
Old man: I like you, I love you but I will kill you.
And from this dialogue
we can say that he accept that what he is doing? But in our life we can see
that we can’t accept that we are doing that wrong thing. And we feel that we
are doing some good thing. Example is that we are watering to plants and we
feel that we are doing for them. But it is not right we save trees because we
need it. So indirectly we are selfish. And I learnt this thing from this novel.
So we can say that literature is useful for us not harmful to us if we take it
Frankenstein: We can say that it is related with science
or scientific novel. In this novel we can see great invention by Victor. He
creates a human being, and through that invention he wants to be powerful and
get respect from others. But what happened that his creation become curse for
him. He create monster and then he want lady monster but Victor deny creating
and that’s why that monster kill some family members of Victor. Then his whole
family died because of some reasons which are related with Monster. And that’s
why we can say that his own creation become curse for him as same in the Hindi
movie ‘Victor’.
There is one proverb in
Gujrti like ‘ Je poshtu te maratu e kram dise kudrati’. And it is applied here
in this novel. So from this novel we know that so much use of technology is
also harmful for our life. And one other thing is that women characters are
silent in this novel. But by story wise this novel is wonderful novel and also interesting
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